Manchester united

The Greatest football team on earth. Draws derison from lesser teams because of sucess. Sadly a number of fans are glory hunters. Thankfully there is still a large number of true supporters and each one hates the glory hunters. The richest football club without unlimited millions from some tax evading Russian. Fans have seen the club through difficult times on many occasians and have been rewarded spectaculary. Malcolm Glazer threatens the existence of the football club, hoping to heap great debt upon the club and force the players to play in an empty stadium because everyone hates him so much. So rich that almost £30 million was wasted on the waste of talent that was Juan sebastian Veron.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Manchester united. Some of the top words include: Spurs, Yes Mate, The Poops, RailGods, manchester cunts, and 25 more.